S.H.I.P. house fire
Update:Progress is being made: The SHIP house now is fenced off and work is being down. There has been remediation to take out all of the aesbetos and toxic things. The committee is working deligently to keep moving forward. Soon there will be a shiny upgraded (it is being rebuilt with a few necessary changes-laundry room inside and so much more) house. Keep an eye out for more progress.
On Saturday, August 27, just before 1:00 pm, the SHIP house, which is owned by Our Redeemer Church and operated by SHIP (Self Help Interfaith Program) caught on fire. Thanks to caring neighbors, the Fire Department and Police were called and were there quickly. Although the fire was put out swiftly the damage has pretty much destroyed the house.
How do we describe a building that has seen over 700 lives come through it in the over 20 years we have owned it. Our Redeemer has been active in the “SHIP program” since the days that it was a “traveling ministry”, the guest staying two to three weeks at a time at different churches. After a time the house became the “SHIP house” and the churches still are involved with providing meals, food for breakfast and lunches, and counselling. The guests that SHIP serves come from all walks of life with the common thread of needing a helping hand to stay afloat. Each guest is carefully screened and must meet certain criteria (e.g. Must be employable and remain drug and alcohol free; Must be capable of completing daily job search requirements; must attend weekly counseling sessions in goal setting, budgeting, and preparing regular budgets throughout the program and must conform to mandatory curfews and other rules designed to ensure safety and cooperation; and must not have criminal record of violence, weapons, or abuse of minors). Each guest must be employed within 60 days of entry into the program. There are strict guidelines within the home and everyone does their part.
We have received many offers of help from our local community which warms our hearts and reassures us of the tremendous community in which we live and serve.
Ways to help:
*Monetary donations will go towards temporary housing and immediate needs. All will go towards the SHIP program. Online donations: https://sites.google.com/view/shipinoc/ or checks/cash can be dropped off at the church office and we will forward to SHIP.
*Clothing donations-clothes that are suitable for work and in good and clean condition can be brought to the church.
*New undergarments-socks and underwear for men and women is a huge need.
*Gift Cards-since we have been providing breakfast and lunch for our guests there is a need for them to be able to purchase lunches while at work.
Our church office is located at 12301 Magnolia Street, Garden Grove, Ca 92841. Our hours are 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Our office phone is 714-539-9541