Music Ministry
Our beloved accompianist is retiring on June 26, 2022
John has been with us for 43 years. Join us on June 26th for a very special Sunday.
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church is looking for an organist, accompanist, and pianist/keyboardist for contemporary worship. One or more persons could do one or all phases of the job. Compensation to be determined. Organist will play for traditional liturgical worship services. Accompanist will play piano for choirs, ensembles and soloists. Contemporary service pianist/keyboardist will play with the praise band – be able to lead from piano/keys is a plus. Please contact the church office at 714-539-9541. Applications are being accepted until July 15, 2022.
We have several opportunitiesto worship through music.
Adoration Choir
Our Adult Choir sings hymns and traditional Choral Music.
The choir meets September through June.
Meets Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary-masks are recomended.
Praise Team
Our Praise Team sings contempary music.
It includes vocalists and musicians who share their gifts.
Bell Choir
meets every Wednseday at 5:00 PM
Everyone is welcome.
Contact Ann Badertscher to particiapte in our groups providing worship for our online worship and in person worship. All precautions are taken.