
Have you ever wanted to get more involved in serving but never know where you can help? Check out our Top Ten list of serving needs or view our complete list of serving opportunities. We can help you determine where your spiritual gifts, talent, personal style and interests can have the most impact. We'll help you find a place of service that's a perfect fit for you!

Top Serving Opportunities

Ministry: The Lord's Pantry, grocery bag distribution program for the needy in our community.
Servant Opportunity: Picking up groceries, stocking the shelves in our storage room, putting bags of groceries together, stocking the church office with the filled bags.
Skills Needed: ability to lift 15 pound bags.
Commitment: Time is flexible - as little as an hour a month or as much as several hours a week.
Contact: office@orcgg.org

Ministry: Audio-Visual Technician
Servant Opportunity: Operate the projection system during the 10 am worship service.
Skills Needed: Minimal computer skills; training is available.
Commitment: Weekly, one month at a time. We are looking for several people to be a part of this rotation. It's helpful, but not required, to practice with the praise team on Saturdays.
Contact: Ann Badertscher at annieemb@aol.com

Ministry: Soundboard Operators
Servant Opportunity: Operate the soundboard during the 8:30 or 10 am worship services.
Skills Needed: Some training is required.
Commitment: Weekly, one month at a time, once a quarter.
Contact: Ann Badertscher at annieemb@aol.com

Ministry: Property Maintenance
Servant Opportunity: Property Committee; small projects around the facility grounds.
Skills Needed: Basic handy work skills.
Commitment: as needed; Property Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Contact: Jim Huffman at the church office (714-539-9541).

Ministry: Outreach Committee
Servant Opportunity: Participate in the Outreach Committee, Visitor and community outreach
Commitment: Participate in quarterly new member orientations; As needed: follow up with visitors, update the visitor center, and plan projects to help with outreach.
Contact: Pastor Brian at revbst@aol.com

Ministry: Cleaning Team OR Gardening Team
Servant Opportunity: Cleaning the church sanctuary, office and Fellowship Hall. Gardening: weeding and planting
Commitment: A couple of hours once per month.
Contact: Church Office at office@ourredeemergardengrove.org.

Ministry: Care and Kindness Visitation Ministry
Servant Opportunity: Visit a home-bound member once a month, bringing communion and a caring attitude.
Skills Needed: Genuine concern for elderly, friendly manner, compassion, and kindness.
Commitment: One monthly meeting with other Care Ministers and a monthly visit to an elderly person.
Contact: Pastor Brian at Revbst@aol.com

Ministry: Office Volunteer
Servant Opportunity: Volunteer in the church office Monday mornings; answer phones, greet visitors, and assist with tasks as needed.
Commitment: Mondays, 9 am to 12:30 pm
Contact: Char in the Church office at office@ourredeemergardengrove.org

Ministry: Christian Education
Servant Opportunity: Sunday school teacher for youngest age group (3-6 years).
Commitment: One hour each Sunday morning, plus any prep time.
Contact: Patty at Thepattywagon15@aol.com

Kitchen Coordinator:

Servant Opportunity: We would love someone who could help us coordinate (organize) the kitchen every few weeks. It is a busy place and we need someone who could put things back in their place so it runs smoothly. Also to organize the pantry. Things get moved around and we need some help!